Monday, July 4, 2016

About to buy 5X, few questions about decrypting and performance

Hello everyone!
I've being rocking my Xperia M2 for the past two years and now I have a great price offer from my carrier(provider?) for the Nexus 5x. It's really tempting and I my bite. But doing my research I came across few concerns, primary the performance and the forced encryption.
I want to ask, how is the performance with the latest patches from Google? Does decrypting the phone really speeds it up a lot? And if it does, what is the newest and easiest method to decrypt a brand new unused phone (without any user data to worry about)? Also, does decrypting affect OTAs? And a bonus question: Is the phone worth it being my first Nexus experience with stock Android, especially when the next Nexus devices are just around the corner?
I've being searching for answers this past weekend, but most info I find is kinda old and outdated. All the help is appreciated!

from xda-developers

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