* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this KERNEL
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
This kernel was merged on top of the msm8x16 caf branch that the kernel started on(LA.BR.1.1.3-02810-8x16.0) this allows me to see what changes Huawei made pretty easily as you can see in the source. This is how i found the nfc bits as well as root detect and system write protections. Currently it is not needed for the pre-rooted system root method though.
Kernel features:
Root_detect removed
System write protections removed
Left over NFC bits disabled
Vibrator Intensity Control over sysfs (/sys/devices/virtual/timed_output/vibrator)
Install instructions:
Because we do not have twrp yet we need to flash an actual boot.img through fastboot. If you have not unlocked your bootloader you have to before you can flash my kernel.
Go to your bootloader and type the following:
fastboot flash boot Stock_Deathly.img
Currently the camera breaks, trying to work on a fix for it
Stock Boot.img (use the same instructions just change the command to boot.img)
Kernel Source:
Thanks: @modding.MyMind for teaching me how to repack a kernel properly @dianlujitao For his work on the Honor 4x
For the tester who tested the kernel before I got my device
via xda-developers
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