Sunday, June 26, 2016

CM13 on ZUK Z1


My device is currently running 12.1 Cyanogen OS which is stock that came out of the box.

The issues I am facing with the device is :

1. When the call ends the device hang & doesn't work until I force restart the same, happens once a day or twice.

2. The SOT (Screen on Time) I receive is around 5.30-6 hours max when the device battery is under 15%, saw many reviewers stating that they get 7-8 hours of SOT on normal to moderate usage so my device SOT is too less i feel when i use it normally.

3. There is no support for Fingerprint to lock App's by default & also after installing several App's nothing can be found as it has been that the message on App's says that either the Fingerprint is missing or it has been blocked by the manufacturer.

So my question is will installing CM 13 based on Android 6.0.1 on Zuk Z1 improve battery life by some hours, will the restart issue fix & also as Android 6 has native Fingerprint support will the App let me lock App's ?

Is there any issues currently on CM 13 or I should go with a different ROM which is stable.

from xda-developers

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