Monday, June 27, 2016

[DEV] Disable USB Charging


I've made a simple app to disable USB charging so you can keep plugging your phone to PC without charging to 100%. Personally i use it when I'm connected my phone for development (ADB over USB).

I wan't to make it compatible with more android devices, currently its just some LG, Xperia, and Xiaomi phones.
I need your help to increase its compatibility to Samsung Galaxy S7.


How you can help me?

If you have file manager access:
  1. Go to /sys/class/power_supply (or something similar sounding).
  2. Enter that folder, and reply the screenshot of the files/folders to this topic.
  3. Look for USB or Battery or similar sounding folder.
  4. Enter that folder, and reply the screenshot of the files/folders to this topic.

If you able to use Terminal:
  1. type ls /sys/class/power_supply/
  2. then, screenshot it (or copy paste it) and reply it here
  3. type ls /sys/class/power_supply/battery (or other similar sounding folder you saw on /power_supply/)
  4. then, screenshot it (or copy paste it) and reply it here

Thank you!

  1. Disable usb charging
  2. Enable usb charging

on play store (need root access)

XDA:DevDB Information
Disable USB Charging, App for all devices (see above for details)

XDA:DevDB Information
[DEV] Disable USB Charging, Tool/Utility for the Samsung Galaxy S7


Version Information
Status: Alpha

Created 2016-06-28
Last Updated 2016-06-28

from xda-developers

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