Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Flashtool won't flash ftf, DM-Verity or sony RIC?

Hi All,

I have relented and admitted defeat. Wondered if someone would be kind enough to help me get my Z5C back to stock, actually I want it rooted but I'll take a stock version right now, given how many hours I've thrown at this. I would consider myself a novice, but not a complete novice. I recently upgraded from Z1C, and the rooting process for that phone was pretty straight forward, however I have come unstuck trying to root my Z5C.

Using my desktop pc, I followed this guide perfectly until I got to "4. Root MM":
At that point I chose "Alternative 3" and somewhere or somehow made a mistake possibly? I don't know but my phone wouldn't boot up.

Note: I managed to backup my DRM keys, I have a TA.img file saved to my pc.

I thought I had botched up the process and would start again by reflashing the Lollipop stock exploitable firmware, E5823_StoreFront_1299-6910_32.0.A.6.200_R2B. I used Flash Tools and connected my device in flash mode and flashed the ftf but the flashing process wouldn't complete. It keeps hanging or getting stuck, I've left it for hours to complete and it never does, here's a screenshot:

I thought it was my fault so made sure I had all the drivers installed for, flashmode, flashboot, Z5C, by running "Flashtool-drivers.exe" in the drivers folder and rebooting my pc. I tried downloading Lollipop firmware again and creating the ftf file again. I tried flashing the ftf, again and again and it never gets past "modem.sin".

I tried the whole flashtools-flash-ftf process again, but this time I used my laptop and got the exact same result. I actually tried multiple USB 2.0 ports on both my pc and laptop also, but had no luck.

Anyway I gave up on rooting MarshMallow and just focussed on getting my phone functional with an operating system.

I came cross this tutorial and managed to install CM13 just fine by flashing the kernel(boot.img) and then recovery(TWRP v3), wiping(dalvik, system, cache, data) and installing the CM13 zip file from within TWRP:

As I type my phone is working fine with CM13 but how do I get MarshMallow back on my phone? Is it something to do with Sony RIC and DM-Verity? Do I need to somehow restore my DRM keys first and then try reflashing the stock Lollipop? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

via xda-developers


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