Monday, June 27, 2016

[ROM] Monster M7 HefferRom

Hey Guys. A buddy asked me to fix his M7 so i cooked up this little "rom" for it. This is the latest firmware from monster that gives you full nand storage for apps and whatnot. None of that seperate partition BS.

I went ahead and debloated this img of most of the preinstalled chinaware apps. There are a few remaining that can be disabled in settings>apps such as facebook, movie studio, skype, and mwidget. I didn't have enough time to find them all:mad:.

It has solid explorer, open camera, and nova launcher. Rename the file to update.img and place on external sd card. It will flash from internal but you'll only have about 1 GB total storage, so don't do that.

It definately seems a little snappier than bone stock.

Uploaded to my Drive, Enjoy.

Still Uploading:(

from xda-developers

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