1. i notice that since my S5 which had LP installed, on S7e i cant use the menu button for menu actions cause it is always forces the recent app screen, when i use xda app on my S7e i cant seem to reply or add a new message because isted of showing me the menu of the thread if i press menu button it goes to recent or if i try to press a little longer it give me a notice that xda app does not support multy window.
no matter what i try i cant seem to use the button as menu. and i cant seem to find in settings how to turn it off or at least turn of multy window which will probably will help to use menu button as menu.
2. also on my older S5 with LP i had the option to share media with my ADB streamer via nearby devices in the settings menu. once i open the nearby devices i had few option on which file to share and to which device. but now in the S7e i have the nearby devices but i cant seem to share media with my streamer no more, plus i dont see any option to share media except the on off button and small explanation text about the nearby thing.
both S5 and S7e are stock, my S5 is rooted tho.
can anyone enlighten me about this. maybe i just missed something about both issues ?
thanks for helpers
via xda-developers http://ift.tt/1QH16HE

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