I have a 7200mah Anker battery, but the phone was see just like a 2100mah factory battery.
Its possible to change original 2100 capacity on the system change to 7200?
Probably somewhere this capacity was stored in a file and if we change the "number" in file we take a better usage of extended battery.
Now the only way to use is the "replace" trick.
I have a 7200mah Anker battery, but the phone was see just like a 2100mah factory battery.
Its possible to change original 2100 capacity on the system change to 7200?
Probably somewhere this capacity was stored in a file and if we change the "number" in file we take a better usage of extended battery.
Now the only way to use is the "replace" trick.
Originally Posted by needforszpit (Post 63785772) S3 neo's battery functionality is a joke... I try a lots of extended batterys baut only one is in right...Anker 7200mah(buy from amazon) But s3 neo have a "bug"...completly charge of ectended batery is possible just if you replace battery after first charge to "100%" and put on charge again...aproximately after replace cell, phone was display the true charging %... After 2x 3x replaces battery was true 100% charged... Discharging is same way....after first 1-2% level replace the batt....it shows aprox. 70% after.... Replace "trick" is only one way to use extended batterys capacity. |
via xda-developers http://ift.tt/1OqR7dj

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