Alright, so my aunt and parents all bought the Note 5. It seemed like the thing to do because I had just bought a Note 3 and loved it. Overall, they are pretty happy with it, but the comparison to my phone and theirs on the status bar is RIDONCULOUS. I can see it, but I'm still young enough to have 20/20 vision (probably not for long...).
Seriously, what is that, like a 2pt font? (I realize that it's probably a 10pt with a pixel density that is too high to make that reasonable.)
I poked in the settings, looking for something to change the size of the icons/statusbar, but found no love. There is a way to enlarge the interface, but it does nothing to the status bar. It would seem that not many are complaining about it, based on my search.
Regardless, is there any way to make the status bar/icons larger? Are there apps out there that wouldn't require rooting their phones?
Seriously, what is that, like a 2pt font? (I realize that it's probably a 10pt with a pixel density that is too high to make that reasonable.)
I poked in the settings, looking for something to change the size of the icons/statusbar, but found no love. There is a way to enlarge the interface, but it does nothing to the status bar. It would seem that not many are complaining about it, based on my search.
Regardless, is there any way to make the status bar/icons larger? Are there apps out there that wouldn't require rooting their phones?
via xda-developers

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