Hey all,
My Note 5 suffers from a terrible bluetooth connection. If the Wifi is connected the phone needs to be within a few inches of the Bluetooth device for any connectivity. If the Wifi is not connected, it can be within 10 feet, but still not much more than that. This thread on AndroidCentral shows a lot of other users with the same issue http://ift.tt/1SquXXG
I've tried all the fixes including a factory reset to no avail. I want to take it to AT&T and see if they will do a warranty replacement.
The issue is that the front glass is cracked. Just a slight fracture on the bottom near the back key, not enough to pay for a repair in my mind. How will AT&T respond? Will they outright refuse to address the Bluetooth issue because of the cracked screen? I'm willing to pay for the repair, but samsung asked for $250, which is steep for what needs fixing. (I realize the entire screen needs to be replaced, hence the cost, so I'm not arguing the cost, just not worth it when the crack is barely noticable for me). Just wondering if anyone has had experience with AT&T handling an issue like this. It wouldn't surprise me if they outright rejected me since how do they know the BT issue isnt' caused by the crack (it's not, was happening since day one, just affects me now that I have a smartwatch).
My Note 5 suffers from a terrible bluetooth connection. If the Wifi is connected the phone needs to be within a few inches of the Bluetooth device for any connectivity. If the Wifi is not connected, it can be within 10 feet, but still not much more than that. This thread on AndroidCentral shows a lot of other users with the same issue http://ift.tt/1SquXXG
I've tried all the fixes including a factory reset to no avail. I want to take it to AT&T and see if they will do a warranty replacement.
The issue is that the front glass is cracked. Just a slight fracture on the bottom near the back key, not enough to pay for a repair in my mind. How will AT&T respond? Will they outright refuse to address the Bluetooth issue because of the cracked screen? I'm willing to pay for the repair, but samsung asked for $250, which is steep for what needs fixing. (I realize the entire screen needs to be replaced, hence the cost, so I'm not arguing the cost, just not worth it when the crack is barely noticable for me). Just wondering if anyone has had experience with AT&T handling an issue like this. It wouldn't surprise me if they outright rejected me since how do they know the BT issue isnt' caused by the crack (it's not, was happening since day one, just affects me now that I have a smartwatch).
via xda-developers http://ift.tt/1lSEyMA

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