Thursday, December 31, 2015

Any way to improve android transfer/streaming speed?

Currently using my Shield TV as a media server for single user use. I have an external usb 3.0 hard drive connected. when transferring files via network from/to my pc, transfer rates are pretty low at around 5-10MBps, with frequent speed spikes during transfer, resulting in speed dropping all the way down to 0kbps, but then it goes back up again, but its not a steady average speed. If i were to do this between another networked device, speed is much faster and stable. Are there any settings or configuration files in android i could modify to improve speed?

I've got a possibly related issue with streaming as well. If i try to stream a long video, like a show or movie, stream initially takes what seems like forever to load, and jumping between scenes cause the pause again. I get that it has to buffer, but buffering seems to take forever for larger videos. This is most notable with Kodi, or other apps that stream video, and seems to be an issue whether the video is on the internet somewhere, or even on my local network. Youtube seems fine. though. Any way to improve this as well?

Everything is hardwired via gigabit connections

via xda-developers


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