Saturday, November 28, 2015

Telephony.db being altered on boot? No cellular connection after reboot.

I am perplexed by an issue with my LG Flex 2 (H950) that has persisted since it was updated from Lollipop 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 (11x) via official OTA by AT&T. This occurs with or without root.

When I restart or reboot the phone, I totally lose my cell connection--no voice, no data--and "Mobile Networks" is grayed-out. If I perform a factory reset or delete telephony.db and its journal, the cell connection comes back and I can enter the "Mobile Networks" menu, though the APN list is empty. Resetting APNs to default does nothing, but I can manually add an APN and data works fine, including LTE. On the next reboot, the cycle repeats and there is no connection.

I have gone through 8 SIMS; four AT&T and four T-Mobile, and nothing changes between them. An AT&T rep verified the issue but referred me to LG. LG has had the phone twice under warrant and found no hardware problem. LG also updated the phone to firmware 11z.

The phone reads the SIM without any issue, though programs that read SIM will say no SIM is installed immediately after a reboot. I have also found that upon boot the phone seems to ignore apns-conf.xml, because renaming that file has no effect.

My only guess at this point is that the boot process is changing telephony.db (except immediately after a factory reset) in some way and looking to something other than apns-conf.xml for its APN data. I am currently rooted, because that is the only way I can use ES File Explorer to delete telephony. db.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

via xda-developers


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