Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Error Excuting Updater Binary

Been running the JDCTeam AOSP-6.0-20151224-jfltegsm.zip since Christmas with mostly no problems, save the Wi-Fi issue some people have reported as well. Anyway, I plugged my phone in last night, as usual, to charge but when i woke up this morning, my screen was black and unresponsive, but the bottom two touch buttons would light up. The screen isn't broken, because i can reboot into recovery (TWRP and still see and use everything. So i wiped and went to reinstall the rom and got the error;

"E: Error exectuing updater binary in zip '/external_sd/AOSP-6.0-20151224-jfltegsm.zip'

Been trying to fix this issue for a couple hours now, to no avail. I would post in the Roms forum, but its in the development section and i cant post there yet. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it. Feel naked w/o my phone and its cold out... thanks all.:crying:

p.s. - tried to post link to my dropbox with the recovery.log file, not allowed to yet either...

via xda-developers http://ift.tt/1OYbI4u


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