Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SHIELD Remote - getting microphone to work in full Android

Hi all - is anyone here trying to the SHIELD Remote with full android rather than the stock firmware?
I am, and everything works (even volume control and headphone audio output!) except the microphone.

If anyone has any suggestions for how I could go about debugging the microphone input, I would very much appreciate it as it's the last thing preventing my setup from being perfect.

The message I see when I press the voice input button on the remote is "Can't open microphone" (screenshot at end of this post: http://ift.tt/1OYbI4C )
Android is clearly just not recognising it as an audio input device, but I'm not sure why.
My guess would be that the stock firmware has a kernel module loaded or some modification to the Android bluetooth stack to support bi-directional A2DP devices rather than just one way.

Has anyone here ever seen Android working with a bluetooth device with audio input? Perhaps a bluetooth headset with microphone? Does that use A2DP?

via xda-developers http://ift.tt/1YMWoCv


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